
The 2020 reading challenge ends in a little over a week. The last day to enter is December 31st. Be sure to send in your book list to mibookreviews@gmail.com. You only have to had read ONE book this year to qualify for a prize. It really is that easy, a picture book counts and there are some that people will read to you on Youtube (the video is four minutes and is the perfect fit for prompt 14)! Just a reminder here are the prompts and the links to the hint pages.

1. A non-fiction book about a gender or sexuality that is not your own
2. A book with a trans main character that doesn’t die or get sexually assaulted
3. A book with a non-binary character
4. A young adult book with a same sex love plot
5. A memoir of anyone who is part of the queer community
6. A book with an asexual character or author
7. A M/M romance with no on page sex scenes
8. A book by a queer person of color
9. A queer anthology
10. A book about someone coming out when they are older
11. A graphic novel
12. A poetry collection by someone who is part of the queer community
13. A fantasy or sci-fi book with a queer character
14. A children’s book with a queer theme
15. Any book labeled as LGBTQ on MI Book Reviews (iam also uses the tag queer, so I think that should count! They also use more descriptive terms like lesbian. Any queer terms will count on this one!)
16. A book recommended to you by a person in the queer community (Everyone who has reviewed on this blog is queer. So even if you don’t know a lot of book people, you know us and we totally count. Any book that we have reviewed positively counts. You can always email us and we will find a book to recommend to you!)
17. A book that would just be better if it was queer (literally any book you read where you think it could be improved by adding a queer character, letting one of your unfulfilled queer ships happen, or maybe a trans character would just have been a better fit. You control this one!)
18. A speculative fiction featuring a queer character or by a queer author
19. A queer book that doesn’t have a rainbow on the cover
20. A queer book with a rainbow on the cover

One or more books enters you to win the small prize. Read all twenty and you are entered into the big prize. I have about half the things gathered for prizes, I really should finish that! No one has entered yet, so your chances are good. If no one enters then I will hoard the prizes like the book goblin that I am.

I thought I had been one book away for months, but it turns out a book I read had a rainbow on the cover. So I accidentally finished. So go through your Goodreads or your library history, you might have accidentally finished or read a prompt. It is not too late!
