
So I am not a fan of some genres. Part of that is I didn’t like what the few books I had access to growing up were like. Some genres have changed and evolved in ways that finally make them feel like home to me. Fantasy and sci-fi have come a long way from feeling like they were just written for straight white cis men. My favorite librarian is partially to blame for me trying the genres again. I ignored her for the longest time, but then I caved and have been in love since. So welcome to your next reading challenge tip. This time it is on prompt:

13. A fantasy or sci-fi book with a queer character

Now what do I mean fantasy and sci-fi. The genres are huge and I am easily swayed when it comes to books. So if you think it is fantasy or sci-fi, go for it. If there is a bit of magic, then totally count it as fantasy. If it is an office romance that just so happens to take place on a space ship? That’s sci-fi to me. This is more of a trap to get me to read more fantasy and sci-fi and brag about some of the best books I have read in the last few years.

Without further ado, queer books!

The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet is wonderfully queer and it made me cry twice. HIGHLY recommend. Though to be fair, pretty much everything I have read by Becky Chambers has been wonderful. To Be Taught, if Fortunate is also wonderful, but more subtly queer.

Gideon the Ninth is HOLY SHIT amazing. Necromancy, gore, suspense, lesbian romance. This book has it all. It even has space travel. Book two should be released this year.

Every Heart a Doorway is a wonderful first novella in a series of novellas that are almost all queer, only book four seems to not have any queer characters. In the first book there is an ace character, a lesbian character (though her sexuality is not revealed in this book, it is discussed in books two and five), and a trans man.

This is How You Lose the Time War is a wonderful sci-fi book written from alternating perspectives with lots of love letters between two female time war agents. If you are looking for lesbian love in the midst of a sci-fi war, then this is for you.

The City in the Middle of the Night is just yes. Multiple f/f relationships, lots of dysfunction, and some really interesting word choices. I adore this book.

Magic of Liars is a wonderful fantasy. There is a main character that is queer, but she is not the narrator.

When We Were Magic comes out in March and despite it being about magic, which is not my norm, I love this author so much that it is already on hold at my library.

The Lost Coast has witches and queer content. It was not a book for me, but it has gotten decent ratings.

Katie O’Neill‘s books would count as fantasy too! Most of them feature queer relationships. The Tea Dragon Festival for sure does. Anything with Tea Dragon in the title is fantastic.

Death by Silver is a murder mystery mixed with some interesting magical elements. Has a m/m romance as a central plot.

Earth Fathers are Weird is a book. It exists. I know nothing about it really, but that title and it was recommended by someone I trust.

Claimings, Tails, and Other Alien Artifacts…one of my favorite reviewers reviewed it and said “Tail + Sex… we got some TAIL-SEX, baby!“. I don’t think I need to know anything else to want to read this book.

The Library of the Unwritten is a fantasy adventure about one of the librarians in hell getting a book back. My nerdy heart almost burst when I found it.

Hull Metal Girls has a trans character and an ace character in the main grouping. Sci-fi with mecha sort of enhancements for soldiers.

Life is Strange is based off a video game where there is clearly queer content, but can be played in a way that avoids most of it. The comic is much more in your face with it. Very cool fantasy and time travel plots. Highly recommend the game and the series. The comics can be understood without the game, but I would suggest reading a plot summary to be safe.

Lumberjanes is just fantastic. Queer everywhere. Trans rep, f/f relationships, punk rock mermaids. Highly recommend.

Grace and Fury is a wonderful fantasy that girl power mixed with dystopia that I just love. Has f/f relationships.

Bitch Planet is like Grace and Fury but even more in your face and very much for adults.

Moonstruck is wonderfully queer and silly.

Black Hammer has some great queer content.

Rat Queens is wonderfully queer with main characters being lesbian and another being a trans woman (orc).

Skin & Earth has some queer content in the very beginning, plus a CD that goes along with it.

Taproot has some quality queer ghost content.

Kim Reaper has f/f romance as a main plot and you know a grim reaper plot too.

Love Beyond Body, Space, and Time is super queer and has a range of plots. Also it is an anthology, hint hint.

Super Fun Sexy Times; Vol 1 just in case you wanted queer erotica with just a hint of fantasy.

Mooncakes has queer witches and a werewolf.

Orphan’s Quest has a m/m romance at the center of the plot and has a lot of traditional fantasy elements.

The Sol Majestic is like food network in space and with a m/m relationship thrown in.

If you are into shifter romances or a/b/o dynamic romances, they would count. Not a genre I am super familiar with, but if mpreg sounds interesting to you this is your excuse to try one!

Papergirls is a sci-fi adventure with some f/f representation. The relationship happens a few volumes in. Saga has a trans character later in the series.

The point of the reading challenge is to just read more queer books. Have fun and please send me book recommendations. I need more queer sci-fi in my life.
