
MI Book Reviews History

Started in 2013 by Isaiah and Maura as a place to review books and hopefully get some ARCs. Within the first year, Maura had left the site, but Isaiah stayed strong. Well, except for an almost two year hiatus where he was getting his life together by moving half way across the country for what he thought was true love (spoiler: he reads too many romance novels, but it still wasn’t true love). One day in 2017, he woke up and realized that he was more in love with books than ever before and he had to start posting reviews again or his friends would stop talking to him due to his ranting over the books he was reading.

He posted an apology and a mild explanation before jumping right back into reviews. He then begged, pleaded, and all but bribed Maddy to join the party. He knew it was a long shot that she would join his small site. She told him no, repeatedly. He had given up all hope of getting another M to be a reviewer which would explain the “Mi” verses “My” that he thought was so clever back in 2013. Maddy texted him one afternoon in 2017 and said that she had changed her mind about reviewing. Maddy started the Buddy Reads program in 2017, on top of pursuing her dreams of publishing her novels. They reviewed books together until 2020, when Maddy left the site.

iam joined the site in 2020, but did not listen to reason when Isaiah tried to convince them to change their name to something that started with a M. Despite the reviewers both having I names, the site is still MI Book Reviews. The M is just silent.

In 2020 the first reading challenge was hosted. Will it continue? Nobody knows, but Isaiah is excited about the chance that others will join in.

To learn more about our reviewers check out short bios that are mostly kept up to date here.

Mission Statement

Mi Book Reviews is a website for bibliophiles to post reviews of written work fairly and honestly as possible, no matter how the work was obtained. The reviewers will disclose if they were provided a copy of the book or payment for the review as a form of transparency. The reviewers will provide links to purchase or find more information about the book no matter their personal feelings on the book.

To get your book or other written work reviewed contact MIBookReviews@gmail.com

We understand if you want a specific reviewer to review a book.

Banner Art

Banner art (dogs) created by Mrs Gendered. Mrs. Gendered is not affiliated with us, but Isaiah loves the work that he does and how he is transparent with his attempts to learn and grow. Plus, look at how adorable he made Isaiah’s dogs. Just saying. 

Banner art (space) and portraits made by Felix. Once Felix has links, this will be updated. He is new to graphic arts.

2 thoughts on “About”

  1. Waldo Zerger said:

    I really appreciate Felix’s art work. Great product from such a young artist. One to watch grow!

    • I agree! I was his very first commission and I highly doubt I will be his last. I know a smaller publishing company approached him for their site too.