
Current Reviewers


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Isaiah works in the criminal law world and befriends librarians in his spare time. He can probably pretend he is an expert in books and get away with it for a little while, which is probably why he was allowed into a library science masters program starting Spring 2024. The librarians believe him at least, since he has never returned a book late to the library and is weirdly proud of that. Some of his other claims to fame include petting multiple sloths in a single day and having (probably) the largest Hannah Montana video game collection in the world. The two dogs in one of the banners are his: Jojo is on the left and Stewy is on the right. Neither of them read, but they have also never chewed up a book. He also has Sierra and Ranger, but they were not born yet when the banner was created.

Isaiah’s Current Reads


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Iam is a passionate reader who never goes anywhere without their current reads. If they have any free time on their hands, you’ll likely find them with their nose in a book. They currently are especially into SciFi, deep space and deep sea horror, best a combination of all three. They are a German non-binary person and their pronouns are they/them. Professionally they have less to do with books than they would like, busying themselves with getting PhD. They dream of eventually writing more stories than scientific papers.

Iam’s Goodreads | Iam’s StoryGraph | Iam’s bookstagram

Past Reviewers


Maddy is a recent college graduate who earned her BA in English from UCONN. Her passions are writing, reading, and drawing. She’s been published before but would like to publish more books in the future. She’s currently working on two new novels.

Maddy is currently in graduate school.


Maura is a book addict. Not a week goes by that she doesn’t complain about how much money she has spent on books. Maura also often complains that she has a book addiction so she gives away books to try and make herself feel better.